Millennials & Z
Youth is a precious spring, but fleeting. How to drink the light during your time in the sun, but also avoid premature depletion of youth plasticity
Born in the 1980s to 2000s, young millennials and Generation Z may be the most health- and food- conscious consumers we have seen in a long time — possibly since Rachel Carson awakened our environmental consciousness with our seminal publication, Silent Spring, in 1962.
Yet paradoxically today’s urban youth seems completely oblivious to the silent hazards that surround them in capital cities such as Singapore, Jakarta, Bangkok, and Ho Chi Minh City (formerly known as Saigon). Daily life in these cities Is characterized by fume-sputtering motorbikes, haze from crop-clearing farmers, malodorous tap water from public water supply tainted by law-flouting factories spewing chemical waste into the sea and rivers, and excessive use of and spraying of insecticides and other cleaning agents.
How can we blame their ignorance? Many of these youth have lived their entire lives in urban cities, with no awareness of what actually constitutes a “clean” environment. If you were a baby tuna fish born in the Andaman Sea in 2020, how would you know that life as a tuna living in 1720 would have been fundamentally different — ie swimming happily in a world ocean completely free of plastics, hungry fish trawling boats, and fuel exhausts?
Those youngsters who are aware of the chemical-overrun environments in which they live today are frustrated by the high cost of healthy, natural and organic foods and cannot afford to eat these on a regular basis.
Does “organic food” need to be synonymous with “unaffordably expensive food”? Should organic food only be accessible by the wealthy?
We are the sum of our Life experiences & exposures — including food experiences
As Millennials and Gen Z are happily bouncing around with their seemingly inexhaustible restlessness, do they even need to worry about food quality and nutrition?
Skin may look like it lasts, but on a microscopic level dermal cells are constantly regenerating. Importantly, our DNA has “cellular memory”, such that those with repeated or prolonged exposure to environmental agents will accumulate genetic mutations over years, into middle and senior ages. This is how cancer progresses.
So this means that while they may feel invincible physically and mentally, young people must take care not to overly accelerate their aging process — or more importantly, not to engage in reckless exposure to chemicals and food poisoning. That cancer mortality rates in countries ranging from Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam are skyrocketing is testament to this necessity.
Tips for Millennials and Gen Z:
- We understand many young people are eating meat regularly for the first time in generations. But suggest limit to moderate intakes of chicken, beef, fish due to modern world contaminants (See Anti-Aging blog) -Smoking rapidly accelerates oxidative stress and significantly increases chances of developing respiratory disease or cancer later in life -Avoid chemical drinks, processed sugar, heavily salted snacks, and juices made from artificial flavoring.
- Drinks made from artificial flavors have little to no nutritional value, and are basically just tap water mixed with refined sugars.
- Eat organic foods from a reputable Country of Origin, based on biodynamic farming. For those living in countries where local production uses significant chemical fertilizers or pesticides, it is important to minimize exposure and accumulated toxins in one’s tissues, liver, and muscle — which can otherwise be stored in the form of DNA mutations — for decades
We want young people to enjoy their youth! But remember, for every whiskey shot, cigar puff, or fast food hamburger you eat when you are 24 years old, your body will remember it (for better or worse) when you are 42.
- PURE BIO Energy drink – organically farmed Peaches + Carrots + Oranges + Coffee Beans + pure Alpine mineral water = 100% Natural. 0% Chemicals. Special Austrian-Japanese cooperative project
- Smushie Supersmoothie – loaded with superfoods: chia seeds and quinoa flakes
At YUKINO, all of our products are:
- Produced in top quality Countries of Origin (ranging from Japan to Scandinavia and South America) in agricultural cooperatives or handmade by artisanal farmers
- All-natural and/or organically certified by European BIO, USDA Organic, Japan JAS
- We offer a range of gluten-free, vegan, no added sugar, no manmade chemicals, GMO-free, pesticide-free, hormone-free, no preservatives, no artificial colors/aromas/sweeteners, and Halal-certified products
- Backed by our company’s medical credibility and our CEO & Management Team’s decades of combined experience in healthcare, hospital care, and nutritional science
- Delicious! Healthy foods need not taste like rubber chicken or dried cardboard
- Ecologically conscious packaging
More Tips to come in our future blog postings!
Celebrating “Organic Life Time”, by YUKINO Foods Market
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